Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Violence against women: they did talk about it at Lambeth

Jim Naughton has a detailed and powerful report on the Lambeth conversations on domestic violence. It is one of his most thorough reports from Lambeth and I hope many people read it.

I had written my June (published early July) essay for the Episcopal Café on women as global church with attention to the issue of violence against women, which has surfaced worldwide in women's ecumenical conversations as one of the main issues for women in churches. Clearly the Lambeth planners have listened to the voices of women in the global church and to World Council of Churches project participants and local advocacy groups around the world. Kudos to them, and a ray of hope for women in families everywhere.

When was the last time you or your congregation addressed the reality of domestic violence?

Are there resource cards on domestic violence (with hotline and agency phone numbers) in your church or synagogue rest rooms?

When was the last time you heard or preached a sermon that mentioned domestic violence?

It's everywhere, you know. Yes, in nice middle-class families too.

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