Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour tonight, all around the world (so it's already happened in Australia)

BBC story here.

Turn off lights and other electric things (yes, your computers too) between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. today (Saturday) to draw attention to the issue of climate change.

Come back and tell your story here: What did you do during that hour? (This is a family blog, but if need be you'll find euphemisms, I'm sure. ;-))

Theology by candlelight here, I think.


Song in my Heart said...

I think I'm going to be on the train then. Lights, computer et cetera will be off and my phone is out of juice, but I can't really escape the journey and it makes no sense to delay it an hour, nor am I ready to leave now.

Tomorrow morning in the UK we switch to British Summer Time, or BS Time as I like to call it. As I have to leave the flat at 7am to go and teach, I will be spending the rest of the evening trying to figure out which of my alarm clocks will reset themselves automagically and which require interference from me. Then I will go to bed as normal but with added mutterings about having to give an hour of my precious sleep to the government and not getting it back until October.

Jane R said...

Thanks for the report from the UK! Have a pleasant train ride. :-)

David@Montreal said...

Willie the blessing daschund and I simply took a cup of tea and went out to sit on the stoop of the front porch with the house in total darkness behind us.
One thing led to another, and with the dear boy curled up next to me, it turned into a long stream of intercessary presence, including upholding many of the great folks we share in love Jane.
The tiny street we live on is one of the best kept secrets of our neighborhood as the wall of the aquaduct runs along the north side, and last evening Willie and I had the street to ourselves. It was the unadorned beauty of the near silence- the now-ness of it all- which made us so aware of the fragility of it all- that and Ian's passing.

Doorman-Priest said...

I had such good intentions and then I forgot. How pathetic is that?