
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"It's up to you now." Cindy Sheehan quits

Speaking of Camp Casey, which Joan Baez mentions in the YouTube video below...

Cindy Sheehan, tired and mostly disappointed, leaves the action to us.


  1. Wow! This is powerful. She's right.

  2. I saw it elsewhere, yesterday, and immediately identified her as a comrade; she merits joining us in the group poet W.D Ehrhart, himself a Marine Veteran, honored in one book title *To Those Who Have Gone Home Tired*.

    We don't like making new members; I pray we find a way to get these "leaders" to start taking that into account.

  3. When I think of the abuse she took at the hands of right-wing "patriots," it breaks my heart. She is justifiably worn out.

  4. Sad, sad, sad. I'll tell a little story that might lift our spirits a little. Mohammed, the Bangladeshi manager of my corner mini-mart had a baby boy about nine months ago. He named him "Shihan" after Cindy Sheehan, because he admired her so.

  5. "The Spirit blows where She will, and you hear the sound thereof,"

    May the Spirit keep our sister Cindy, and us all, in Her consoling love.


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