
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Flyin' around

Your friendly host has been taking a lot of airplanes, hither and yon, first from the San Francisco Bay Area to Portland, Oregon, to celebrate and participate in the ordination of a friend, and then (hours ago and via three successive flights, all miraculously on time) from Portland back to Greensboro in the Southland.

I leave again in a couple of days for a visit to the Most Excellent and Beloved Parents of Auntie Acts of Hope, who commit acts of hope on a regular basis and are not getting any younger. It's time they had some time with their daughter, so off I go on Tuesday, this time to New England. The Fourth of July in Boston is a wonderful thing. (Boston is my second favorite Fourth of July place; the first is a small town in Vermont whose name I will not disclose; the third is Berkeley, yes, Berkeley. But New England is the place to be on that day.)

Posting will be scarce between now and July 10 or 11. But check in, you never know.

Bird: Brown-headed Cowbird fledgling, courtesy of Greensboro Birds, June 30, 2007.


  1. Jane, have a lovely trip and visit with your parents, and enjoy the Boston Fourth of July celebration.

  2. Thank you! Good to have you back. I've yet to catch up on your vacation, but a quick look indicates that you and your family had a good time. :-)


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