
Thursday, July 19, 2007

The New Sanctuary Movement

The Simple Village Organist's church has become a sanctuary in the New Sanctuary Movement. Blessings on them and on those whom they shelter. There is a link to the New Sanctuary Movement's website in SVO's post.

For a glimpse of the "old" Sanctuary Movement, have a look at:

A moving (2001, National Catholic Reporter)
obituary to movement co-founder Jim Corbett, a Quaker. His co-founders were a Presbyterian minister and a Catholic priest, so the movement was ecumenical from the start. In fact, it was interfaith, as is the New Sanctuary Movement. *

And another moving story (from 2002, Tucson Weekly), that of Luisa Orellana, who fled El Salvador to the U.S. over two decades ago with her family and lived in a church basement in Spokane.

* Recent sermon by rabbi Laurie Coskey, in Spanish!

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