
Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Dear all who pray, please hold us in your hearts and before the heart of G*d. We have a faculty member suddenly and gravely ill with aggressive pneumonia in hospital. His life is hanging by a thread. He is a deeply committed teacher and advisor and much beloved and respected. His name is Jeff.

I also humbly ask your prayers and thoughts for various trials I have been going through including the loss of a computer (not here, back in California, long story) with vital and irreplaceable data, two major life challenges (one in church, one in academe, sorry I cannot give you details), and our still open search for a faculty member in our very small religious studies department. (Where everyone is healthy right now, physically anyway...)

Thank you.


  1. Prayers, of course. For your faculty friend, and for everything else.

    Godde hold you.

  2. Absolutely, for all you mentioned (and all you forgot) and for you in the midst of it.

  3. Jeff is added to continuing prayers for you

  4. Jane, prayer for healing for Jeff, and prayers for you in the midst of your many trials, ma chérie.

    May God grant you his peace that passes understanding to keep your mind and heart.

  5. absolutely, praying for you and your faculty member, Jane.

  6. Dearest Jane- you are held in the loving light of many prayers for peace, healing, restoration, consolation and love.

    For you, your colleague Jeff and for so much more.

  7. My guys at the joint are delighted to add Jeff to their prayers. Me too.

  8. I wish I could pray as eloquently as Paul does...I'll just add my voice and prayers to his.


  9. Prayers for all your requests dear Jane.

  10. I join in this prayer chain... warm thoughts from cold Vermont.


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