
Friday, March 21, 2008

In awe and love: the Body of Christ

Our small congregation has a beautiful custom on Good Friday of holding a Stations of the Cross liturgy in which each of the 14 stations has a meditation, poem, musical piece, or other creative reflection by one of 14 people. The Stations are otherwise quite structured, with collects and verses of hymns and responses and silence, and we process around the church with a simple wooden cross, stopping at each station.

I wrote a small poem or meditation for the 13th station this year, but I will wait to post it, since I am mostly in the great silence and pondering everyone's words, and gazing upon the Cross --and, earlier today, the Pietà. All I can say is that the Body of Christ is a wondrous thing and that I am grateful both for Jesus and for his friends, who spoke of him so eloquently today and who all led us into deep, deep prayer.

Stations from Arcatao will resume and conclude tomorrow sometime, too.

1 comment:

  1. I feel quite the same about the awe.

    Looking forward to the poem and to the rest of the stations, which have deeply touched my heart.


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