
Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday cat blogging: study in sepia

I overexposed a sequence of photos of Her Grace, Maya Pavlova of North Carolina, F.B.E. This was accidental, but it turns out that My Lady Bishop looks quite lovely in slightly fuzzy almost-sepia tones.


  1. I think image #2 is my favorite.
    Her Grace has some new kitty friends who would like to meet her! Stop by my blog when you get a chance and meet the charter members of the Maya Pavlova Fan Club!

  2. The FBE looks good. Full stop.

  3. Jane, she looks gorgeous. She's a work of art.

  4. Is it irreverent to opine that a bishop is just the cutest thing ever? I hope not because it comes from a fountain of really happy, fond feelings. Those are adorable pictures.

  5. So glad you liked the pictures.

    This bishop loves being called the cutest thing ever, because she is. Bring on the compliments, ecclesiastical and aesthetic.

    Who would not want to serve under a bishop like this?

    Note: We just had a meetup (with our buddy Chris of Even the Devils Believe, who had already met Maya Pavlova once) and Her Grace got a bit jealous that we were deep in theological-ecclesial-foodie conversation at the brunch table for nearly three hours. Fortunately Chris is a cat person and picked her up and paid proper attention to her for a while. She hasn't napped yet today so I expect she'll spend the afternoon in one of those positions either on the couch or on her sunny windowsill place.

    P.S. The computer is fixed, obviously. Got a complete cleanup and "re-imaging" from the nice tech-y people at school. I had to reload some software (the programs that I own and are not from school) and lost an address book which I have to reconstruct, but otherwise all is well and we are reinforced with even more super-duper updated anti-virus software than before. Time to go finish a sermon.

  6. P.P.S. Kitten, nice cats!

    Padre Mickey, Her Grace loved your exclamation. I didn't realize she spoke Spanish, but she surprises me every day.

  7. I am green with envy that you have a techie to call on. I have to pay when I need serious help.

  8. It helps make up for the Really Low Salary.

    Actually, if the problem had been on my own computer I wouldn't have been able to call on them. But my personal computer died on me a while back and I have had to use my work-owned computer for everything, both my job and my personal writing. Hence it falls under the jurisdiction of work and I get to use the tech office. Bless their hearts. I would be a hysterical mess if they were not around. I lost a bunch of time, which was not great since I have writing and other deadlines and I use the computer for almost everything in my life --teaching, writing, preaching, volunteer work, writing letters-- but that was nothing compared to what might have happened had I not had this assistance available, especially since we are at the end of the month and I have just a few dollars left to my name. So, thank you, Jesus. (And thank you, Guilford College and the nice tech people.)

  9. That's not her normal color, is it? She looks for all the world like the resurrection of my dear departed cat Pushkin (d. 9/6/06). Sort of eerie to look at her.

  10. Ken, I wrote you an answer here two days ago and the cybermonsters seem to have eaten it. No, she is not that color naturally. As I noted at the top of the post, the overexposure changed the color. She is definitely grey, with white paws and bib and a bit of tabby dark grey / light grey.


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