
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Rethinking mission trips

Before I run off (see post below) --

Caminante has posted a Washington Post story and her own reflection on the issue of short mission trips. Well worth a read and a think.


  1. Have fun, dear friend! Sorry I haven't touched base yet---came home to find myself in the weeds with work. We'll catch up soon.


  2. Thanks! Wrote you off blog a bit earlier. Love, Jane

  3. thanks for the link, Jane. I hear what the Post is saying... and yet, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth- as Caminante points out. It was through a short term mission trip (well, it was a 3 month trip) I more clearly heard my call to holy orders, and I have seen the lives of people transformed by the relationships built on a trip. Yes, there needs to be reform and there is a lot of waste that needs to be addressed.... but I pray that these kinds of trips will not be abandoned altogether. Maybe we should just go down and have fun with our brothers and sisters elsewhere- intentional relationship building missions... in the end, that has been the most valuable outcome for me and many that I have gone on mission with... and wonderfully, it is through that relationship building that God opens our eyes to see God's hand in the world in ways we aren't always able to see through our own set of lenses, and with clearer vision, the Spirit brings transformation.

    I'm in the midst of planning the Canterbury Clubs service trip during their Spring Break. This gives me much to think about... Thanks for the fodder.

    Peace to you


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