
Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Advent Door

Jan Richardson's Advent blog, The Advent Door, both took my breath away and comforted me. I discovered it as I was working on my sermon for the First Sunday of Advent and poking around textweek for resources.

The blog has gorgeous art which I'd like to post here, but it is copyrighted and I haven't yet had a chance to write Jan and ask for permission. I am especially fond of this piece, which bears a direct relation to the Scriptures for the day and to the sermon I've been cooking. One of the extraordinary things about Jan's blog (and her other online work) is that she is equally gifted with the word and with visual art.

I'll post other Advent resources tomorrow. Enjoy this one.


  1. Indeed. She's really good; I just read her Advent I piece on yesterday's Isaiah lesson.


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