
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Father of Acts of Hope is ninety today!

We had a lovely day, Parents of Acts of Hope and I -- just the three of us, which was exactly what we wanted. Phone calls arrived from members of the far-flung Acts of Hope family, as did phone calls, cards, and e-mails from friends and extended family members, so we were also connected with many loved ones on this quiet day.

There was, of course, a foodie expedition. More on this in the near future.

Happy birthday, Daddy. You're the best.


  1. Happy Birthday Father of Acts of Hope!!

    I send this greeting from Washington DC. I went to the bookstore at the Basilica yesterday and was shocked to find that they have not stocked WIDS! I asked them to order it.

  2. ¡Feliz CumpliaƱos a tu PapĆ”!

  3. Best wishes to your dad! And thanks for your kind comments at my place.

  4. My best wishes to your father and a wish that both your father and mother have many more birthdays to come. :)


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