
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gratuitous kitteh blogging...

... at the end of a working Sunday...

A hairless Canadian sphynx cat at the International Feline Beauty contest in Sofia, Bulgaria.

A Mama lion with one of three cubs to which she gave birth at the zoo in Cali, Colombia.

Photos: Boryana Katsavora, AFP; Jaime Saldarriaga, Reuters.


  1. Hopefully +maya will not mind being included in my latest work of iconography. It seemed important for "balance".

  2. +Maya does not mind at all, she loves your creativity. She did leave a note there just now suggesting that the Welshman and the Englishman should have been the wee angels and we four-leggeds should have been in place of Jesus and Mary, but maybe that is just too heretical for you. You are the Bishop of Pbgh after all. We cats are flexible, and I am a flying bishop (as in flying leap to the top of the bookcase, or onto Jane's latest visitor's shoulder) plus the genders work with the Theotokos and +moi... and clumbers have Jesus-like compassion and wisdom, don't +you think?

  3. Well, I almost did not include +me, but +I wanted to have +You in there, and humility required +me being little. Plus, this is all in support of MP's desire to not be banned from the next Olympic competition, or whatever I wrote to his bishop. I've forgotten someplace along the way. Perhaps it's the excitement of the new, improved N.A. Anglican Province! I'm thinking that the whole GAFCON thing has jumped the shark with this one. Surely the ABC will have something to say now, won't he?

  4. Would the Sphynx mind if I suggested s/he resembles Yoda?


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