
Monday, November 24, 2008

Naps and memory: +Maya was right -- but you knew that.

Once again, the local bishop with the fuzzy tummy and white paws knew her stuff. Now the researchers catch up with her and have produced this interesting piece of information on the benefits of naps.


  1. Bless you sister +Maya! I'm going to go follow your orders now!

  2. Oh, God bless the bishop. And you. :-)

  3. That is one of my favorite pictures of +Maya. I just want to rub that fuzzy tummy of hers!

  4. But to take a siesta Spanish-style in the middle of the day...well, it's downright unAmerican! We are supposed to work ourselves to death via digestive breakdowns, and naps are for wussies. Who is the patron saint of ulcerative colitis?


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