
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Two wonderful men

One live, one gone to the ancestors.

The live one is Gustavo GutiƩrrez, whom I had the pleasure of hearing speak today.

The deceased one is Studs Terkel, who I hear died yesterday, and here we are in his city of Chicago.

I will write more about both of these men, but probably not while I am at the conference, which predictably is busy. I am taking some introvert time tonight between receptions and after the second one (for which I am about to leave) but otherwise this is a people-intense experience and a workout for the brain.

I opened my big mouth at the Society for the Study of Anglicanism meeting and now someone wants me to write an article.

That's the update. Blessings, all. Happy Feast of All Saints.

P.S. Yes, we can.


  1. Gustavo Gutierrez, OP and generally amazing Peruvian theologian?

    OK, officially happy for you but jealous!

    Great cloud of witnesses - pray for us.

  2. Yes, the very one - now 80 years old!


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