
Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday cat blogging: Christmas cat

The feline bishop in her Christmas red -- a little sleepy in some photos, more alert in others.

Click to enlarge and see detail.


  1. What intelligent eyes you have!

  2. Those are the most beautiful photos of Maya you've ever posted!

  3. Beautiful! (I really ought to post more of our cats...)

    Thanks for these, Jane - she really is a most lovely mogget, if I may use such a term of so exalted a personage...

  4. Of course you may, Mike, and no one has ever called Maya a mogget before, so you are expanding the literary and feline references! Yes, do post photos of Figgy and Lulu et al. It would be properly Franciscan to do so, should you need a spiritual excuse. But cats are their own spiritual excuses in any case.

  5. Right, I will (post cats pictures, that is) - probably Monday now, since tomorrow is pretty full of church and things ;-)

  6. Ooh beautiful kitteh, it looks almost as though you painted her features... and happy warm kitteh in her fleece.


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