
Friday, May 29, 2009

Lost Things and the Power of Memory

My latest essay, "Lost Things and the Power of Memory," is up at the Episcopal Café today. The Café welcomes your comments. (If you don't already have a login there you'll have to get one, but it's free and easy. See here.)

I've also posted the link on Facebook.


  1. Thank you for this! For the thoughts it gives...

  2. Tried to comment there and couldn't--but I loved this post.

  3. what a a beautiful, thoughtful essay- expressed so poeticaly.

    it brought to mind an expression we used to sometimes use when i was animating grief management workshops- either French or Russian. to the effect that the pain of loss is to be honoured- as the proof of a well-loved life, a life well lived.

    that scarf is a tangible emboidment of all that you and your dear mother share and have shared- a tangible you could touch with your eyes or your finger tips when your Mum was beyond your physical reach.

    but looked at through the lense of this particular thought, even th feeling of loss is a gift.

    Brava dear Jane, a wonderful piece of writing

  4. I enjoyed reading this. I too get frustrated about losing the familiar: they may not be things of monetary value and sometimes we forget that some posessions have value beyond their worth because they mean something.

    The Buddhist teaching you refer to is a rebuke though.


    Oh dear!


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