
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

More magnolias: the last hurrah and the decline

The magnolia blossoms don't last long.

Sic transeunt magnoliae.

But in a bright sunset, the blossoms shine one last time.

One last hurrah.

Click on photos to enlarge and see detail.


  1. Lovely!!! But I also see what I think is the other kind of Magnolia to the right of the pink one. Big waxy green leaves that will have huge blossoms slightly later in the year. Is that right? Or do my eyes deceive me?

  2. I love it here in the mountains of Colorado (where it just snowed AGAIN) but these photos remind me of the beauty of Comm Ave magnolias in Boston. More sky here, however. Thanks for the pictures.

  3. Hi Jane, I found your blog by doing a web search for a women chaplain that I had heard about at St Paul's in Madison (where I am a member). I find that you were the first of perhaps more than one such person.

    We have two wonderful priests now, they are orthodox, great with the students and giving them a good faith and moral foundation, dedicated to the confessional, they care about correct liturgy; when you were there I think it was a different and highly unusual time, lively perhaps, but from what I have heard, sometimes with some truly unhealthy tendencies and abuses. What effect must this have had on your own journey with Christ--I read on the sidebar of your blog that you must have left His Church at some point and you are involved with an Episcopal parish. May Jesus have mercy and restore the unity of His flock!

    Oh Jane, even the Episcopalians, already divided from us, are falling further to pieces! I keep reading about it! I think of Jesus saying to wayward Jerusalem, how He longs to gather them under His wings like a mother hen gathers her chicks! Everyone wants their own way, everyone has their idols that they treasure more than they treasure Jesus Himself, and they think that's freedom, and everything falls to pieces. Only, a light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it. Whatever people may say today about the Catholic Church, it is the truest and full beacon of the light of Christ.


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