
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oscar Arnulfo Romero, ¡Presente!

Today was the 30th anniversary of the martyrdom of Monseñor Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador.

I will post more when my teaching week is over, but for now, here are two links.

At this one, which is mostly in Spanish but has links to other languages, you will find a wealth of resources including a slide show in PowerPoint (click on "XXX Aniversario") with rich quotes by Romero and many other words and images to ponder.

This one is a biography in English by a U.S. poet and activist who has engaged in Central America solidarity work for many, many years and knows what she is talking about.

"A church that does not unite itself to the poor in order to denounce from the place of the poor the injustice committed against them is not truly the Church of Jesus Christ."*-San Oscar Romero de las Americas

¡Romero vive!


  1. A book called "Photos of a Prophet" is available in pdf form by clicking here. It is a "portable" version of the exhibition of 30 photos from Romero's life showing in Grace Cathedral, SF.

  2. Wow, Andy, this is wonderful. Thanks.

  3. And when I get home, I will write about my experience and participation in los actos yesterday.


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