
Monday, July 2, 2007

A good resource on Irenaeus

I mentioned a few days ago that I had two more thoughts about Irenaeus to share. I have, of course, forgotten one of them in the course of travel (it may come back to me), but here is the one I remember.

One of my professors, with whom I also had the privilege of teaching a course on "Early Christian Women," wrote a good book on Irenaeus a few years ago, and you can use the "search inside" feature on Amazon to get a feel for it. The scholar's name is Mary Ann Donovan (senior faculty at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley [JSTB], one of the member schools of the Graduate Theological Union) and the book is One Right Reading? A Guide to Irenaeus. Not light reading, but helpful if you want to explore Irenaeus's theology. You know all those issues we're deadling with today? Biblical interpretation, authority, the unity of the church, and a few others? He was writing about them.

I have access to some short reviews, one from the Journal of Early Christian Studies and one from the Anglican Theological Review. I think the first link probably won't work if you're not on a university network -- I'm back home and on Guilford's network I have access to online scholarly articles that don't always show up on regular web searches; if you can't use the link, I can cut and paste that article, and the other too, in a forthcoming post; they are short; just let me know.


  1. Letting you know here.

    Enjoy Vermont! (And you could fly through Hartford next time!)

  2. I'm not going to Vermont -- only Boston and surroundings. But thanks.


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