
Monday, July 14, 2008

Pre-Lambeth harmonies

Padre Rob has a great video, sent by dear Luiz, of Lambeth stewards and members of religious orders singing at evening prayer. The Southern Hemisphere is well in evidence. As I noted in the comments, if the bishops could only sing that way, we'd be fine. (Donald Schell actually had a lovely essay on singing and human communication at the Episcopal Café some weeks back.)

Padre Mickey will remind us, naturally, that the bishops of the Global Center can rock it that way just fine,* and probably will. Alleluia and adelante.

*Alas, my link to them doesn't work any more. What up, Padre?

And speaking of Lambeth, I am not posting much, if at all, on As the Anglican World Turns, because everyone else is. As usual, if something occurs to me from ecumenical and feminist perspectives or any other not-your-usual-view, I will say something, but otherwise not.

Her Grace, of course, has left for the event with the canine bishops. (Speaking of harmonies. Those four are a model of interspecies cooperation.) You can keep track of their adventures chez +Clumber.


  1. Oooooh! Thanks so much for this; Allie and Luiz (and so many others) give me such hope for our future. They are such a blessing, or convey such a blessing, for us all.

    Makes me wanna jump and sing!

  2. *Alas, my link to them doesn't work any more. What up, Padre?
    I was trying to create more bandwidth for the blog and I deleted all the videos. Perdoname.


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