
Friday, December 5, 2008

Beantown bound, again

The One and Only Brother of Acts of Hope and his Dearly Beloved, who live overseas, are coming to the U.S. of A. for a brief visit. We are thus converging on the residence of Parents of Acts of Hope, where for a few days we will enjoy family togetherness and each other's presence.

I will leave this morning with a stack of term papers to read on the airplanes. (Yes, plural -- there is no longer a direct flight from Greensboro to Boston.)

I have been meaning to post last Sunday's sermon all week but have not had a moment to fiddle with the middle of it, which I changed a bit in the pulpit. Look for it above; I may have time to post it either before leaving or (more likely) at the airport or in chilly New England.

+Maya Pavlova has an excellent cat-sitter.

Blogging will be light.


  1. Safe, wonderful and joyful travels dear Jane!!!

  2. Safe journey, and give Boston a raucous cheer for me.

  3. I miss Boston a lot. But seen from the southwest corner of Colorado -- it DOES seem to have a lot of people.


  4. "...fiddle with the middle". I like that, Jane.


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