Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flagging "The Flag"

Very, very thoughtful post by More Cows at You've Really Got to Love Your People. More Cows is a young rural pastor and she's well worth a read! Travel on down the road and have a look here at what she says about the United States flag, flags on houses, flags in sanctuaries, and the war in Iraq. Wyld, whom she mentions, is a Marine. (I think he or his family may be members of More Cows's congregation, I haven't read up on him.)


more cows than people said...

Wow, Jane. Thanks for the thoughtful comment AND a link!

Wyld is actually a total stranger to me. He is from a completely different part of the country. We met through the blogosphere. I do not have the foggiest idea how I have been helpful to him, but I am so grateful that I have been.

Blessings, More Cows

Jane R said...

Wow, even more interesting.

Thanks again for your ministry!