Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May 1 (that's a big hint)

What does this have in common with this? ->


Kirstin said...

I love that this blog exists. Thank you.

Jane R said...

I tracked back and saw that you are at CDSP! Give my love to folks there (you can tell them about the blog too) -- I was so sorry to miss the bash for Bill Countryman and John Kater, wish I were still on the Left Coast. Bill and I taught together (and earlier I studied with him) three or four years ago when I was the Bogard Fellow.

I'll check out your blog(s) when I have a chance. I'm in the middle of grading a stack of student papers. Blessings to you. Thank you for stopping by! Poke around the blog some more -- lots of good resources. And good luck with the end of the academic year.

Padre Mickey said...

Geez, that article reminded me why I don't wanna live in the U.S. while that wanker is presnit.

Loyalty day my bum!
I understand it is also Law Day in the USA, which must be quite difficult for der presnit to celebrate.

Jane R said...

Never heard of this Law Day thing...

The presnit just vetoed that Iraq bill.

Will post and write more tomorrow. Swamped with stack of research papers to correct and end of semester grades to calculate (I hate grading, we all hate grading -- writing comments is one thing but assigning a letter grade is another and is hellish, even when there are guidelines, which we do have) and turn in (electronically) at least for the graduating seniors, and also swamped with the latest piece of academic politics, a development of the last 36 hours. What? Politics in academia?! (Good thing I am used to church politics --what, politics in church?!-- it helps. But I digress.)

Talk amongst yourselves. I'll be back.

Padre Mickey said...

Louis Weil told me he took all the papers to the end of the hall in his house, tossed them down the hall, and gave the papers which went the furthest the best grades.

It seem to work for him....

Jane R said...

Oh, ha, that old one. (The grading method, not Louis.) My best buddy on the faculty suggested the other day that I throw the papers down the stairs and grade depending on what landed where. Seems to be a universally recommended method ;-).

Nah, I read 'em. So does Louis, bless his wonderful self.

The birdies they are singing here in Carolina del Norte.