Friday, January 9, 2009

"Incarnation and Suffering" essay at Episcopal Café

My latest essay for the Episcopal Café is up today. It is called "Incarnation and Suffering".

The Café welcomes your comments. So do I -- both at the Café site, below the essay, and here. (If you only have time for one place, do comment at the Café.)

I hope that the essay speaks to you.

P.S. That's today's Café, and in yesterday's, you can read fine quotes on The Current Unpleasantness by MadPriest and Tobias Haller as well as a piece of the moving conversation about homeless and poor persons and our response by Wormwood's Doxy and Under There. Thank you, friends, and congratulations.


johnieb said...

Wonderful poems, and they do not overwhelm the essay, as they might a lesser work.

Good work.sarse

johnieb said...

Oops; that's the code: had the same problem at Padre's the other day.