Friday, December 31, 2010

To those for whom the New Year is difficult

pecial warm wishes to those for whom New Year's Eve and Day are difficult. May you discover hope and consolation in the struggle; may regret and resentment melt away as time goes by; may peace of mind and heart and body visit you and dwell in you; if grief is your companion, may its company be gentle; if you are in recovery from addiction, may you find strength to persevere; may you know true friendship, human and divine.

I just posted these words on Facebook. I have decided there is nothing wrong with duplicating posts here.

Photo: Jane Redmont


Pom Pom said...

Oh Jane, I am enjoying When in Doubt, Sing. I sent it to one of my blog friends in the UK and she is blessed by it, too.
I pray your new year is full of sweet and heavenly secrets whispered in your ear. I'm so happy that I found your blog address in the back of the book. Hooray!

Jane R said...

Thank you, Pom Pom. I'm very glad you and your friend are enjoying the book.

Thank you for your New Year's prayer!

Lindy said...

Jane, that's a fantastic photograph! Really love that one.