Saturday, March 20, 2010

I know you've all been dying to resolve this one

Web site or website?

See here.

There, that's settled. Or is it?


Unknown said...

How timely! I was puzzling over this just last Thursday as I put the penultimate touches on a document that I am responsible for. I started out with 3 different spellings from article submissions, figured consistency was important, changed them to "web site", then decided "website" was the right thing and changed them all to that. Thanks, Jane! Now I know (sort of)...

+clumber (editor to the stars)
(a gentle "woof" out to the littlest furry bishop)

Jane R said...

I use "Web site" in school documents since the school (or at least its Advancement Office) follows AP style on this, but in e-mails to friends I usually write "website." So there you have it.

The littlest furry bishop says "meow" and wants you to know she has had a very happy day. Her Canon to the Extraordinary is home, the sun has been out all day, it is not too hot, not too cold, perfect weather for napping, and there are great programs on Kitty TV! There's the living room window, the bedroom window, and one of the kitchen windows, and they all have views of birds and other interesting creatures.

Wormwood's Doxy said...

We've gone to website and webpage at work. I'm fine with that.

Now if I could just get them to stop using "impact" as a verb....

Unknown said...

"Impact" is nothing... I worked in the era of "solution" as a verb. File this under "Kids these days..."