Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Anglican update: Cuba

I am a few days late with this, but wanted to offer this great photo. You can read the full story at Padre Mickey's. The new bishop, in case you hadn't guessed, is the tall, bespectacled woman in the middle, just wearing her alb since this is immediately before the consecration. Felicidades and prayers to Reverendisima Nerva Cot Aguilera and the whole church!

Nice ACNS story here with more details. Image gallery here.

The blonde woman in the front looks like (and probably is) the Rev. Margaret Rose, who is head of Women's Ministries for the Episcopal Church. (An old buddy; we served on the Harvard Divinity School Alumni/ae Council together.) The others are women clergy from the Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba.

1 comment:

johnieb said...

I find myself going back again for Rose's delightfully inciteful article on AWE: tote bags! Hmwah! And LeGuin's "native tongue": the cosmopolitan language of God's future is marked by the emergence of women's voices! I gotta go back for the Chantelle/ Katharine video.

What can a poor boy do,
'cept to thank God for such
sisters as these?

(Screw the R n R band, Mick.)