Sunday, March 8, 2009

Prayers for Bosco Peters and family

Our friend Bosco Peters of the fine liturgy website and blog, from Aotearoa New Zealand, is grieving the accidental death of his 18-year-old daughter Catherine. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.


Song in my Heart said...

That I will certainly do. I saw earlier today that there had been a bereavement in his family but didn't have the resources to find out what had happened; thanks for letting us know.

Fran said...

My heart is so broken for Bosco and his family at this time. I, like Song in my Heart, had seen his brief post as to bereavement. Then I read about this last night and have prayed and prayed since then.

Frank Remkiewicz aka “Tree” said...

As a member of the world-wide blogging community and one who has lost a sister to an accidental death I offer my deepest sympathy and please know that I will spend the day in prayer for your family. My the Lord bless and keep you and mkae his face to shine on you and may eternal rest be granted to Catherine O Lord and let perpetual help shine upon her.

Diane M. Roth said...

oh, I am so sad about this tragedy. I will be praying for Bosco and his family.

Counterlight said...

Shock, broken hearts, and many prayers for Bosco and his family from New York.

David@Montreal said...

thank-you for this medium to express our solidarity with Fr. Peters and his family.
heartfelt prayers offered here through tears
thank-you Jane


Ellie Finlay said...

There are no words, of course, that will even begin to be adequate.

Bosco, I am so, so sorry and I promise you my prayers.

May Catherine be held eternally in the arms of Perfect Love and may you and all who loved her be comforted.

motheramelia said...

You are in my prayers. I cannot imagine greater sorrow than losing a child.

Sara said...

You and your family are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Bosco:

There is nothing to be said except the express the deepest sorrow and assurance of prayers.

June Butler said...

May Catherine rest in peace and rise in glory.

Bosco, Helen, and Jonathan, my deepest sympathy to you and your family and friends. May God give you comfort and consolation and the peace that passes understanding to keep your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus.

Ann said...

All our loving arms surround you through our prayers in this incredibly terrible time.

JimB said...

There are no words. I will join the many many who pray for and with you.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory. May the Comforter come to each of you and give you hope and peace.

Anonymous said...

I have no words either...I can only imagine the heart break. Prayers ascending.

Rev. Richard Thornburgh said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My voice is added to the prayers ascending.

Anonymous said...

Bosco and family, my heartfelt prayers of sympathy go out to you. I cannot imagine the pain you must feel. I can only hope that somehow God's love and peace may touch all of you.

KJ said...

Deepest of sympathies and upholding in prayer. May Catherine rest in peace and rise in glory.

Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Prayers ascendning!

Rev. Kurt Huber said...

Prayers for you Bosco and your family. May Catherine rest in peace.

Raima said...

Bosco, I am so sorry to hear of the devastating loss of your daughter. You and your family are in my prayers, now and always.

Roger Sessions said...

Bosco, I am so sorry. May God grant you and your family strength and keep you surrounded by love.
Pax Christi,
Roger Sessions

Erika Baker said...

Prayers for the whole family and for all of Catherine's friends.

Anonymous said...

Fr Bosco and family,

I knew I had just made a good friend when I met you via Twitter.

I am so sorry to hear your news. Wishing that I had more to offer than my prayers.

Peter H (@GoGod)

PseudoPiskie said...

Words fail me but prayers from my heart for Bosco and his family are heard by God.

Christine McIntosh said...

Prayers for Bosco and family from Scotland in this, the worst of losses.

Meredith Gould said...

With the deep faith that prayer provides comfort, I will hold you and your family in prayer during this time of unimaginable tragedy -- and beyond.

Meredith (@meredithgould)

Brother David said...

En tus manos, oh misericordioso Salvador, encomendamos a tu sierva Catherine. Reconoce, te suplicamos humildemente, a una oveja de tu propio redil, a una cordera de tu propio rebaño, a una pecadora que tú has redimido. Recíbele en los brazos de tu misericordia, en el bendito descanso de la paz eterna y en la gloriosa comunión de los santos en luz.

Bishop Alan Wilson said...

Really sorry to hear this rather devastating news. Prayers, love and Solidarity for Catherine, for light and hope, Bosco, Helen & Jonathan, for hope, and love strong as death to bind them all together...

Michael Rich said...

My prayers are with you and your family during this time of grief.

May God Bless and Keep You...

Michael Rich

Kay & Sarah said...

Our deepest sympathy for Catherine's family and friends. You are in our prayers.

Janis Bland said...

And unspeakable tragedy; words fail me. I can only pray with my heart, and that you all have.

...paul said...

My thoughts and prayers are with all the family at this tragic time.

Ellen Loudon said...

much love and may blessings go out to you and your family. xxx

Anonymous said...

Desperately sorry to hear about Catherine's death and know that the family will be distraught.

They will all be in my heartfelt prayers.

Anonymous said...

You are all in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. Otherwise, I have no words.

Kevin said...

Prayers go out for family, friends, and all others affected by this tragedy.

Leonard said...

Prayers from Central America for Eternal Peace and Peace of mind for the family of beloved Catherine

Elizabeth said...

There are no words. Just prayers that you might feel the comfort of those who love you holding you up and surrounding you with their love.

Diana Glover said...

Dear Bosco, Helen & Jonathan,
Love, thoughts and prayers from St Michael's Amersham, England, where we heard of Catherine's tragic death from your brother who worships here. You and all the family are in our prayers.

Revd Diana Glover

susan s. said...

Prayers ascend for Catherine and her family. May she rest in peace and rise in Glory.

Kathryn said...

No words but praying for all of you

Lori said...

Prayers for Bosco, Catherine and the whole family.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathy. Prayers and love to all of you from Seattle.

Anonymous said...

May Catherine rest in peace and rise and glory.

Merciful Jesus, You who wept over your friend Lazarus, comfort the Peters family and all who grieve for your daughter and servant Catherine.

Rudo said...

Deepest sympathy to the family and prayers ascending for Catherine, family and friends. May you feel the love of God at this time.

Jan Blencowe said...

My deepest sympathy to your family. Only the Father who suffered the loss of his Son, and the Son who himself suffered can bring the comfort that you need. May your entire family be enfolded in his compassionate love. My prayers are with you all.

Ken said...

Awaken from the parents' most dreaded nightmare.

Let your grieving be felt but softened by the call the awaken to your daughter called home.

Unknown said...

I'm so, so sorry. You have my deepest sympathies.

Lynn said...

May your daughter rest peacefully in the arms of our Lord, and surround you and your family with His love. Sometimes the old words say best what is in our hearts:

Almighty God, look with pity upon the sorrows of your servants for whom we pray. Remember them, Lord, in mercy; nourish them with patience; comfort them with a sense of your goodness; lift up your countenance upon them; and give them peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Fran said...

I have not stopped thinking about this - or praying about it, all day.

God have mercy on us all, especially the Peters family.

bls said...

Deepest condolences to you and your family, Fr. Peters.

My prayers for you all.

terri c said...

There are simply no words. Prayers rising from a stranger in the USA.

pmc said...

So sorry, my prayers and thoughts are with you!

Peter Carey+

Cany said...

My heart felt condolences to the family, and prayers will rise. I am deeply sorry for your loss.

xicoassis said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you my brother Bosco and family.
May God of all consolation be gracious with you all in every moment!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. Allow me to add my own prayers for you to have all that you need and to be surrounded by love.

Brian R said...

So sorry, Prayers rising.

Anonymous said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you, Helen, Bosco and Jonathan.

Anonymous said...

I have been chatting with you, Bosco, on Twitter yet feel like I have come to know you all the way from Austin, Texas. My prayers are with you and your family. I can't know the pain you are in, but I have kept my two year old close to me today and have hugged her all the more tightly to me as my thoughts have been of you. Sometimes it feels like the more faith we have, the more faith we need. I hope you, your wife, and your son can feel all of the love headed your way.

SCG said...

May Catherine rest in peace, and may all of her family find peace in their hearts at such a hard time. Prayers ascending.

Anonymous said...

In Baltimore, a mother of a daughter is praying through silent tears for the Peters family and all of Catherine's friends.

Dominic said...

Our hearts are broken open at the news of Catherine. I recall her brave and dignified presence in Christ's College chapel amidst all those boys, as you took the services, Bosco. And her shy but welcoming smile at morning tea after the services. Our prayers are with you all Helen, Bosco and Jonathan and all of Catherine's many friends.

Rich Johnson said...

Dear Bosco and family

I am devastated for your loss. Please know that the clergy of St Paul's Symonds Street Auckland have prayed and will pray for you further.

May you know His peace in this place of loss.

Rev Dr Rich Johnson

Doorman-Priest said...

There is nothing I can add to what has gone before. I am so sorry for your loss.

Mike Farley said...

My prayers are with you all... There is nothing else I can say. Sometimes mercy is all there is.

Justin Brett said...

My prayers are with you too. My own daughter is most precious to me - I can only begin to imagine the depths of your loss.

Anonymous said...

Blessings and consolation to you, Bosco, and to your family. You will be in my prayers.


Luiz Coelho said...

I'm very sorry that all of that happened.

My prayers for Catherine and also for all the Peters family, that they might find comfort and peace even in the midst of pain.

Anonymous said...

Fr. Peters,

I am so very, very sorry for your loss. May Catherine rest in peace and rise in glory. Marilyn(a stranger from Oklahoma)

Maithri said...

Dear Father Bosco,

May soft wings of light surround you and your family during this most difficult time,

May the love that neither life nor death can explain or limit be your experience,


Anonymous said...

FATHER. yOUR kATHERINE mARY IS NOW YOUR VERY OWN PERSOMAL aNGEL.sHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND IS SO MUCH LIKE HER dADDY.Suffering is one of our mysteries...but know that all the IfSB are loving you and your family during these days.I feel the need to pray to her right now but I don't want to interupt her party with Jesus and Mary and Joseph. Please be well, Mary Lou Fabbri in Novato California

Amy Real Coultas + said...

My deepest sympathies. How heartbreaking.

liturgy said...

Bosco, Helen, and Jonathan are deeply thankful for the thoughtfulness of so many since Catherine died. Through kind words, hugs, flowers, gifts to Oxfam, prayers, recalling stories, baking, and practical help, so many people have shared in this great loss and are supporting us in it. Together we share our gratefulness for the years with our gorgeous, smiling, vivacious, quirky, kind-hearted Catherine. Thank you for supporting, remembering, and celebrating, and for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.