Monday, April 21, 2008

"Appalachian Echoes"

This evening, a little music: I'm off to the premiere (well, second-night premiere, but it still counts) of my friend Eddie Bass's "Appalachian Echoes: Variants on Traditional Songs" performed by the Bel Canto Company, a local ensemble of professional singers.

Eddie and Joan Bass are long-time and faithful members of St. Mary's House (my congregation), where Joan is our pianist. Eddie is a composer and retired professor of composition and he also has served on the Diocesan Council, the diocesan higher education ministries committee (or whatever we are calling it these days), and numerous other commissions of the Diocese of North Carolina, some of which he has chaired. "Devoted church person" doesn't even begin to describe him. And he's a wonderful composer. He wrote a Mass for St. Mary's House's 100th anniversary a few years ago and we still sing those Mass parts at Sunday liturgy. I'm excited about hearing the Appalachian-inspired pieces.


johnieb said...

Sounds delicious! Our local early music ensemble/ artists in residence at a local parish's 25th Anniversary is Sunday: Medieval music and Champagne!

Do you have Anonymous Four's *American Angels*? Exemplary presentation of Anglo-American hymnody. Hey: we're ethnic, too!

Jane R said...

I don't have Anon. Four's CD but I know of it.

The concert was spectacular. Eddie's composition is very difficult (while keeping to the words and the tune and spirit of the original folk songs) and the choir did a great job.

johnieb said...

Terrific. I would really like to have heard it. Perhaps there will still be an opportunity.